100% Free-of charge and 100% online Class

The Seed of Life and the Flower of Life

Multilevel Class to learn sketch easily these two Sacred Geometries from zero knowledge.

Drawing the Seed and Flower of Life with the  5- 4- 3  Method developed by@dotmandalasforfun7

No previous Experience Needed

What will you learn

Date September 8th, 2022

(these are Time Zone References; Anyone from Any Country is invited)

3:30pm – Costa Rica


4pm – Los Angeles USA / Vancouver CA
5pm – Mountain Time USA / Calgary CA / Costa Rica
6pm Houston & Chicago USA / Winnipeg CA
7pm – Miami & NYC USA / Montreal CA

At the end of the class you will have this art done

Semente e Flor da Vida


About your instructor

Yosymar Vasquez

Hi there!

I’m Yosy!

My full name is Yosymar Vasquez and I am dropping a few lines to introduce myself and to explain why it is important that you take this free class, so please read till the end. I think you and I have some things in common. 

Back in October 2017 I discovered Mandalas while checking an art activity to recover from postpartum depression. I was also suffering from severe anxiety, deep sadness although I had great life conditions. When I started working with Mandalas I did find a cure to all these conditions and most importantly: I found my life purpose! 

I decided to leave my 20 year corporate career to help others find the path so self-awareness, self discovery, manifestation, happiness and most importantly help them find the cure to depression and anxiety. 

I founded @dotmandalasforfun7 and then became both a certified Art Therapist from BinduICAT and a Numerologist. I am also studying to become a professional Geometrician. Most importantly I am on a life mission.

I am here today to help you learn how to create the Seed of Life and the Flower of Life with my methodology 5 – 4 – 3. Even if you are familiar I invite you to try this one out.

Don’t forget to post your work and use the #dotmandalasforfun7 and tag us!

Enjoy the free classes and stay in touch in case you want to keep studying!

With Love,



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